
You don’t have to do this alone.

Join other Christians as we embrace who God created us to be and find peace and hope with food.

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God created your beautiful spirit to flourish in abundant life.

Stripping away all the lies and trauma, you will find your beautiful self ready to live.

Hi, I'm Tracy!

I am a Christian registered dietitian.

I love helping women just like you find peace and joy with food and their body. 

I offer small group coaching and 1:1 services, I will be your biggest cheerleader and help you find freedom, you can enjoy normalized eating the way God intended you to.


Group Coaching

GROUP COACHING is for you if you…

• Are you ready to move forward in your intuitive eating and body image journey but desire to walk through this process with others on the same path?

• Are self-motivated and like to work through lessons on your own while getting valuable feedback in a group setting.

• Know you need toward on being authentic and not hide anymore socially. 

• Need support between individual sessions or because working 1:1 isn’t in your budget right now

• Want to be in relationship with other believers and grow to do work for the Lord

• Stopped dieting but you’re not sure how to experience food and body freedom as an everyday reality

• Desire more guidance as you move along this path

• Are not sure how to eat without guilt while still honoring your health

1 : 1 Coaching

1:1 COACHING is for you if you…

• Need support with normalizing food to increase food intake or create stabilization for chaotic / disordered eating

• Desire guided support from the Holy Spirit to heal food, body and other traumas that are affecting daily living

• Struggle with health concerns that need individualized support

•Are ready to make progress faster by digging into the nuances associated with disordered eating and body image struggles regularly in a safe relationship with an experienced dietitian who has been where you are

• Have tried other treatment and found it to be ineffective or even traumatic

I offer a 30-minute call to answer any questions and to ensure we are a good fit for each other. Schedule your free call today.


"I love our group. Tracy has help me up through my darkest times. She has listened and guided me into freedom with food and body image. She has given me recovery. I was open when I came to her - ready for a new life and new perspective. Ready to stop living my life in this torturous way. I was meant to find her. Thank you, Tracy, from the bottom of my heart for all that you have given me."​
Thank you so much for today. It was very healing and I am excited about what this repentance around body covetousness and using exercise to escape and get praise will lead to. 🥰🥰 Our sessions are what I wish church was. Thank you for being real, honest, and scripture-based.
The phrase "thank you" does not seem to be a sufficient way to express my gratitude toward you and the help you've given me. Not only have you helped me on a practical level by offering me a nutritious and satisfying meal plan along with various tools and resources to help me through each day, but you've also continually offered an empathetic ear and a non-judgmental approach toward the emotional, spiritual, and mental issues that arose throughout this healing process. To be able to talk to you about my darkest thoughts and my deepest struggles knowing that you understand and can relate to many of them, is something I can't begin to even put a value on. It has been well worth the investment. Even more importantly, you pointed me to scripture, prayed over me, encouraged me to talk with God, and even helped grow my faith as you gently pushed me out of my comfort zone. After 25 years of living in the diet/starvation/binge/diet again/binge again/exercise to change my body/binge/diet again/etc... cycle, I am finally experiencing what it means to be free. It didn't happen overnight but with your help and God's grace I am far from where I was. I no longer feel crazy. I no longer obsess about food. I am no longer trying diet after diet only to hate myself after I fall off the wagon. I think about food and my body less than I can ever remember. I can sincerely say that my number one priority in my life is my relationship with God. Through this healing journey I have experienced God's love, mercy, sympathy, friendship, and guidance in ways I didn't think was possible. He is not a harsh God. He is rooting for me. He is with me. I am now able to use my energy throughout the day in ways that are much more fulfilling than counting calories and evaluating my body. I can instead use that energy to love my kids, be an encouraging wife, have deep friendships, and serve in my community. Has it been easy? No. Is my journey over? No. But just having this glimpse of freedom is enough to say I NEVER want to go back. Trying to control my size and my calories comes at too high of a price.
Group member

Tools for Normal Eating Workbook

Download this FREE workbook to gain additional tools in your tool-belt to help equip you on your intuitive eating journey.

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    You have the ability to have a “normal” relationship with food. We believe it with all our hearts and we look forward to serving you on this journey.