Why biblical counseling versus the world’s solutions for trauma, eating disorders, burnout and overwhelm?

Proverbs 11: 14: 

Where there is no guidance, a people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

The Bible is FILLED with GOD’s desire and promises for hope and healing.

1 Peter 5:7:

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Did you read that: GOD cares for you!

How come we so often don’t feel this is so and try to figure things out in our own power or in what the world offers as a “relief” from our pain?
Because of the hardships of this world, the generational curses and oaths we had nothing to do with from our ancestor’s choices, the emotional neglect or all kinds of abuses, we are unable to have a choice to escape when we were young, as well as our own attempts to belong in this world which lead to sin, we hear the lies that GOD doesn’t care or it feels like he is as neglectful or harsh as the world around us.
Beloved, God is waiting for you to pursue Him as He has been holding on to you!
Yes, He has been holding onto you during every binge and purge, desire to lose weight to earn love from people who can’t fully give it, every time you exercised because it’s easier to hate your body versus hate Satan who has his hand in diet culture.
He created your body and mind to be able to run in flight or fight, dissociate to protect yourself when that couldn’t work, and He also will grace you with Paul’s words from 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control”.
The biblical counseling work we have been called to offer is for those with TRAUMA, Eating Disorders, BURNOUT, low self-worth, the extremely sensitive, FEELING OVERWHELMED, suspect something is not right when everything on the outside is okay or even good.

Counseling with the Holy Spirit

John 16:23: When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.
2 Timonthy 3:16-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
This is our goal in counseling work.  Though we have decades of training and experience in counseling stress and trauma-related symptoms in a variety of modalities, we aim to be led by the word of God and the Holy Spirit in our sessions.
Galatians 6:2: “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Proverbs 12:15: “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.”
When I (Tracy) was in recovery from my eating disorder AND first become a follower of Jesus, I didn’t know anyone like me. People who were scared but serious to not only have a healthy relationship with food and body or any highly-sensitive Christians who already felt like “no one understood them” because of the lack of help both professionals and the church were able to offer.
I knew lots of people who felt bad for obsessing about what people thought about their bodies, but few who were looking to Jesus for who He sees us to be.  Who believed with their heads that they were fearfully and wonderfully made but didn’t believe truly get it yet that it was true for them too.
I didn’t know any health providers who knew how to bridge the gap between caring for the body and not making it an idol while also being able to see into the emotional and spiritual reasons why bodies get sick.
And there was no one who would combine any of it in a biblical way with support to overcome being “foreigners” in a world of people mind-controlled to believe that you are a better person if you weigh less and accepted that you have to try to “earn” love to heal rejection and fear.
If you feel this way, then the Peaceful Eating community may be your people.
We offer a combination of biblical study on the promises and power of God over our struggles with food, weight and self-worth and use of our will not to control our weight but to receive what God promises in 2 Timonthy 1:7: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control”.
The community offers Proverbs 27:9: “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from His earnest counsel”.
Additionally, the group provides :
  • materials to work through improving hunger and fullness awareness, emotional eating, understanding how stress and unhealed trauma inhibit recovery and tools to overcome, separating fact and fiction from a health perspective and body image support.
  • 75min live meetings the first 3 Tues nights at 7pm eastern each month for support, learning and fellowship.
  • FB group to stay connected between meetings and to share learning and support.
  • Interviews with other believing professionals on recovery and the Christian life
To join, head to www.tracybrownrd.com/peaceful-eating-community 
God cares about everything – including how we work and in what He gave us to do to serve others; after all, Jesus is the servant King.  
Ultimately, I because a true Christian because I was striving and trying so hard in my own power to build my nutrition counseling practice again (I started in 2006 and started over in 2014) and really wasn’t getting anywhere fast.
In 2017, desperate, I was crying with my therapist and business coach (who was very highly skilled and trained in New Age practices) about just wanting God to be the boss of my business because I was clearly not up to the task despite paying lots of money to business coaches and working 7 days a week.
I knew as she reassured me that the gods she believed in could bring blessings, renewed enthusiasm for the work and increased skill and purpose that she wasn’t talking about the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but since I didn’t really know Jesus then and her comfort and abilities to help with entrenched trauma and limited beliefs “worked”, I didn’t overly question what I was pursuing.
Afterall, I had been active in new age practices since being introduced to it by my first eating disorder job and in the colleagues that ran in this local circle so doing what they did to be successful didn’t seem scary.
All that being said, that 6-month coaching experience into deeper rituals that were hidden showed me very clearly that, yes, being “connected to the earth”, shamanic experiences, calling in all ascended masters, mindfulness, meditation, etc. to receive information can help and give insight, but there is a price to pay.
You can watch my video here for a play-by- play of the experiences.
When I called on the name of Jesus, the facilitator’s ability to channel stopped immediately and I knew what I could feel from the Holy Spirit, was that these benevolent beings weren’t so and that there would be a price to pay.
That led me on a path to have the one true living God direct my life, including my business.
Why am I sharing this and what does it have to do with your health coaching or provider business?
Maybe you feel called to add the spiritual to your work but don’t know how or you’ve come to see that the practices that seem to give relief don’t last long-term and you and your clients are always seeking, but never transformed.
Or you know you are called into ministry out of new age or healing professions and would like support to not go it alone.
Yes, my friends, it can be frustrating and scary to go bread crumb by crumb, wondering if you are doing enough or don’t know where to start.
We offer support to trust in God’s direction for you and your business or ministry in service, healing, deliverance, and discernment.
Connect here to get started: