Dieting has been around since the mid-1800’s but very much became a part of our the culture in the US in the 1960s and 70s.
All dieting has been about preying upon people’s fears and insecurities and how to make money off of that. It’s really that simple. But because they learned how to use people’s fears and provide a ‘solution’, that sold. V E R Y well.
We get hijacked into not believing what God made us and our bodies to do.
When this gets disrupted, we look outside ourselves into the world for what we should do for ourselves and our bodies. This is when we turn to dieting and believe that it will solve all of our problems.
Check out this video where we talk about
Healing from Chronic Dieting & Emotional eating, the different types of eating disorders and how to not do yourself harm when it comes to eating.