Breaking the Chains of Food Guilt
Happy Sunday!
I love the weekends but honestly sometimes I feel like I put so much on my plate to get done during the week and feel guilty that I didn’t get it all done. Why the heck do I let the enemy whisper words of shame and guilt to me?
We all do it right? It can totally make us spiral into a place where we overeat or starve ourselves. Our thought is we need to be punished.
I was talking with Connie (name changed) the other day and she was talking about how she struggles to not feel the guilt when her body says it wants pizza for dinner. She will eat a slice and immediately feels the guilt because it’s “bad food”. Ever been there?
This guilt over a perceived “wrong doing” around food is a kind of programming that many of us have known since childhood and can be so autopilot there is no ability to “rightly judge” if the feeling even matches the action.
I reminded Connie of this as a summary of the session: the Lord does not condemn, so who did this to you (made you feel like food or body has a moral equivalent)? What part of her holds onto the belief (not knowing there are no good/bad foods only foods that support or don’t at any given time our physical, mental, emotional wellbeing)?
She could see that holding onto guilt was a way to keep her people pleasing those she wished loved her unconditionally; if she could just “get her body right” they wouldn’t criticize.
Not only did we pray for healing for this but also helped her stand in her adult authority to be a better care-taker to herself than she received.
We also discussed if / when her body was speaking guilt due to words that hurt her was it her job to catch it? Can she forgive the person and can she start to recognize when that happens that her precious body has survived abuse and when she allows it to speak and release, she no longer hears it.
Maybe you relate to Connie. It is your season to begin the healing, my friend.
Here are 2 options to work with me:
I have a few spots open this week and next for 1:1 appointments where we can do a specific plan to help your body recognize triggers and with the help of God heal and release.
I also have a few spots in the group coaching if you aren’t quite ready to do the 1:1. So much amazing support and group coaching to help walk through the emotions your body is holding on to.
Tracy – Christian nutritionist helping women live their abundant life
P.S. All you need to know about the 2 programs is at https://healbytheword.com/
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